The Second Year exhibition that I have chosen to review is the
Ignorance is Strength
exhibition by
Daniel Bubur, Nicole Gropetis, Michaela Howe, Bira Stoddart and Matthew Thompson
It was held upstairs in Waterstones Cafe and was inspired from George Orwell's 1981 Big Brother is Watching.When I walked up the stairs the first things that I saw were several of these posters running along the wall....

When I first saw these the only thing that really came to mind was the TV show Big Brother because of the environment and living weeks of constantly being watched by "Big Brother". But when thinking of that being the meaning behind these posters, it would only apply to the poster on the right because "Big Brother" never has a face, just eyes.After I got to the top of the stairs, on my right was this....
When I first saw these the only thing that really came to mind was the TV show Big Brother because of the environment and living weeks of constantly being watched by "Big Brother". But when thinking of that being the meaning behind these posters, it would only apply to the poster on the right because "Big Brother" never has a face, just eyes.After I got to the top of the stairs, on my right was this....
Every piece of paper said "we are the dead". While still thinking about the Big Brother Idea, I felt that by saying that we are the dead could be calling us zombies, calling us mindless and going along with the crowd....maybe?....or maybe I am reaching.
(Unfortunately while taking a break from writing this post the other photos that I took were deleted from the memory card they were on)
The main parts of the exhibition, besides the pile of notes on the floor, were a bunch of televisions in two big piles on opposites ends of the room with videos playing with talking and eyes on the screen. At the time I did not really understand what was going on in the exhibition and think that if I had more knowledge about George Orwell I would of understood it and enjoyed it more.
I really loved the location for the exhibition, something I really love about Swansea are all of the buildings and rooms that are above stores, I like that there is such a beautiful place above a book store where students can exhibit there work. I also like the fact that people that would walk into Waterstones and see that they could go upstairs to a place they normally wouldn't be able to go and see art.
When it comes for us to do our exhibitions I really hope that Waterstones will be available.
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