Thursday, 8 May 2014

Video Clip

I did not attend the session where we showed a video clip to the class. But when it came to doing a blog entry about it I did have one that I wanted to show. The clip I have chosen is a short 'teaser trailer' for an album by Ghost in the Addict. This is a musician I discovered online and have been a huge fan of for a while now. I have a strong attachment to his music when I am not well. His first album; Wishblister is what made me fall in love with the music and the style of music he makes. I found this video when I bought the album, as well as the music he included the video, but I then found it on YouTube as well as a Part One...

The video shows mainly him using his blood in creating the title and front cover for the album, I guess showing how he literally puts himself into his music. The reason I have chosen this clip is because blood and blood art are, although strange to some, things I adore and his commitment to his work makes me feel inspired to be more committed to mine. In a previous project I developed a somewhat strange obsession with syringes. I love the fact he is using on as his instrument to create art. When I am in a bad way or not well I always find this music to numb my mood or match it, it is everything that I need to hear at most times and when I really get into the darker things in my life that inspire me this music puts me in the mood to develop them more.

The pain he is inflicting on himself for his work, whether it is using the pain in his life as a inspiration for his music or the syringe in his arm to create art, it is something we end up doing in our own work, we touch back on those painful memories, we push our body to extreme lengths sometimes to get what we need for the things we create.

The constantly switching between clarity and blurring to me shows difficulty focusing and keeping your mind in a certain way, constantly switching back to an unclear mind set and then being able to focus again. The switching between the work at hand, the walls and lights around the room and then to his body again goes with the idea of finding it difficult to focus, there are so many things running through the mind, switching and changing without warning.

For a few seconds in the background there is a shot of a bunch of empty photo frames, this is something I would like to do a photograph on. After looking at it for a few seconds I knew what type of photo I will be able to do based around this idea and will hopefully do at some point in the future when doing personal work.

This is Part One of the trailer....

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